Multitoken Pools

Impermanent Loss Dynamics of Multitoken Pools

Unique Offering of JellySwap:

JellySwap’s ability to support multiple tokens within a single pool sets it apart from traditional AMMs. This adds layers of complexity but also presents unique opportunities for liquidity providers.

The Dynamics of a Multi-Token Pool:

Multi-token pools contain more than two tokens, and in the context of this example, we’re examining a pool with both stable and volatile assets. The pool consists of USDC, wBTC, JLY, and wETH.

Diving Into the Example:

  • Initial Assumptions: We begin with an even distribution of $10,000 across the four tokens.

  • Price Movements: Over time, USDC retains its pegged value, JLY sees a 15% uptick, wBTC drops by 4%, while WETH rises by 50%.

  • Impermanent Loss Dynamics: The inclusion of USDC, a stablecoin, makes the pool susceptible to impermanent loss. This is because while the value of USDC remains constant, the other assets in the pool are experiencing fluctuations. As a result, the relative proportions of the assets in the pool will change, leading to impermanent loss.

Understanding the Strategy for Liquidity Providers:

Liquidity providers in such pools are essentially betting on the expected volatility of the included assets. By choosing to join such pools:

  1. Volatility Farming: The LPs are capitalizing on the frequent price fluctuations to earn swap fees. More volatility typically translates to more swaps and hence, more fees.

  2. Impermanent Loss Management: They understand the inherent impermanent loss, especially due to the presence of a stablecoin. But, as long as the volatile assets return to their initial prices or move in a manner that balances the overall pool value, the impermanent loss will revert.

  3. Portfolio Diversification: Being part of such a pool allows LPs to diversify their holdings and reduce exposure to any single asset.

The End Goal for LPs:

For liquidity providers in a multi-token pool, the strategy often revolves around maximizing swap fee returns while managing and understanding the impermanent loss risks. The perfect scenario is a pool where the overall value sees a lot of fluctuations (leading to swaps and fees) but ends up where it started, thus nullifying any impermanent loss.

In conclusion, while multi-token pools offer new avenues for liquidity providers, they also necessitate a deeper understanding of the assets involved and the overall market dynamics. Balancing between swap fee returns and potential impermanent loss becomes the key to success in these pools.

Last updated