
What is a Relayer? A relayer acts like a trusted middleman in the JellySwap ecosystem. By granting permission to a relayer, users can let it execute certain tasks (like swaps, joins, or exits) on their behalf. However, this isn't as risky as it sounds, because there are multiple layers of security in place.

Key Points about Relayers:

  1. Two-Tier Authorization: For a relayer to function, both the user and the protocol have to authorize it.

  2. Freedom in Design: There's no fixed blueprint for creating a relayer. If you're planning to craft one, decide if it will be standalone or part of the Batch Relayer.

  3. User-Level Authorization: Users can choose to give a one-time approval via signature or a persistent one via transaction.

  4. Protocol-Level Authorization: Here, the protocol's authorizing body (like the Jellyverse DAO) dictates what actions the relayer can execute and on which contracts.

  5. Batch Relayer: This special relayer allows multiple actions to be linked and executed together, offering a smoother user experience.

Why Use Relayers?

  1. Efficiency: Users can execute complex operations with just a single transaction.

  2. Flexibility: Relayers can adapt to various tasks, from simple swaps to intricate migrations across pools.

  3. Safety: Even though relayers can act on a user's behalf, built-in authorizations ensure misuse is avoided.

A Practical Use Case: Pool Migration JellySwap aims to provide liquidity providers (LPs) with optimal capital efficiency. Thus, it introduced the ability to move from an older pool to a more capital-efficient one. Instead of manually going through a series of steps to migrate between pools, a relayer can combine them all into one smooth transaction.

In essence, relayers in the JellySwap environment make processes more streamlined, efficient, and user-friendly while ensuring security remains paramount.

Last updated