

What is JellyStake?

JellyStake serves as a crucial bridge within the Jellyverse ecosystem, enabling both users and participants to engage in decentralized decision-making (governance) while simultaneously creating a foundation for the overall economic structure of Jellyverse. With JellyStake, stakers have the opportunity to earn a share of protocol revenues generated across the entire spectrum of protocols within the Jellyverse economy.

Revenue collection and distribution inside Jellyverse

In order to uphold the decentralization of voting authority, foster a sustainable economy, and motivate users to collectively engage in DAO management, the a part of all earnings generated throughout the entire ecosystem will be allocated to JLY stakers. This approach is essential to ensure that holding JLY tokens and actively participating in governance remains attractive.

Those users who actively contribute value to the ecosystem by supplying liquidity to various protocols like JellySwap, jAssets and others will receive JLY tokens as a reward.

In a second step JLY can subsequently be utilized within the Staking protocol to help shape the DAO's future and earn a portion of the protocol fees among the whole ecosystem. Consequently, early contributors will receive more rewards, compensating the additional risk they undertake.

JellyStake lays the foundation for a resilient ecosystem, offering contributors a lasting financial incentive to engage for the long run and benefit from the growing trading volumes within the ecosystem, rather than relying on speculative activities in the open market.

-> Read more in Tokenomics (soon)


Jellyverse's governance relies on the JLY token. This structure is vital for a decentralized organization such as Jellyverse, to make sure that individual users' interests match the DAO's goals. Using a different token instead of the native protocol token, might lead to decisions that prioritize that token's economy over the overall health of the Jellyverse economy.

-> Dive deeper into Jellyverse governance system.

Last updated